Lin-Z’s First Quilt

My young friend Lin-Z had never made a quilt.  She’d never used a sewing machine or an iron.  But she likes doing art projects, so a quilt seemed like a perfect project while she and her family were visiting us for a week.

Lin-Z likes butterflies and monkeys, and she chose a monkey as the subject of her quilt.  She started by drawing the monkey on a piece of freezer paper (here’s the first draft).  Then she labeled and cut out all the pieces. Continue reading

Why I Make Quilts for the Alzheimer’s Art Quilt Initiative

About a week ago I was featured on the AAQI blog after Ami Simms asked me about the artist’s statements for my recent donation quilts.  Here’s what I wrote:

Here’s a bit of the reason I make quilts for AAQI.  Both my parents died from Alzheimer’s disease, my father in 2004 and my mother in 2006.   Continue reading