Quilts on Tour

Since I retired from a corporate job in 2009, I don’t travel nearly as much as I used to travel.  However, some of my quilts have been logging a lot of frequent flyer miles lately.


Marion and Charlie can be seen as part of the “Text on Textiles” exhibit. Upcoming appearances will be at:  International Quilt Festival Spring in Cincinnati, April 8-10; Quilt Market in Salt Lake City, May 2011; the Open European Quilt Championships in the Netherlands during May 2011; and International Quilt Festival in Long Beach, California, July 2011.

A Walk with Sparky

A Walk with Sparky will be at the Yeiser Art Center in Paducah, KY from April 2 to 30, 2011, as part of the Fantastic Fibers 2011 exhibit.

Oil and Water Don’t Mix (version 2)

Oil and Water Don’t Mix (version 2) will be in the American Quilter’s Society show in Paducah April 27-30, 2011.



Moonstruck has been traveling with the Rust-Tex collection, and it had a grand time sightseeing in London this past summer.  Upcoming exhibits for the collection can be found at this link.



Fading Memories, Too is part of the new traveling exhibit “Alzheimer’s Illustrated:  From Heartbreak to Hope”.  The latest travel schedule for the exhibit is here.


Oil and Water Don’t Mix

Oil and Water Don’t Mix is part of the “Art and Science” exhibit by the Professional Art Quilt Alliance.  Exhibit dates and locations will soon be available here.

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